Design, art, food and Contract at Fuorisalone 2018

Milan, 4th April 2018

The most awaited event of the year is approaching: from April 17th to 22nd 2018 Milan gets ready for Design, welcoming experts from all over the world. The district of Lambrate will be full of creativity and innovation, to meet the expectations of the public that will cross the district. The Lambrate Design District embraces every shades of design for this edition of the Fuorisalone, including Contract, Food and Art.


The central theme is undoubtedly the Italian and international Design, presented by the group exhibitions of Din – Design In 2018, Spazio Donno with DesignCircus and Fuorisalmone.

The route starts from Via Massimiano 6 with Din – Design In, an event organized by In this industrial hangar of 2,000 square meters, a temple of international creativity, it will be possible to admire the products of world-renowned designers, companies, schools, organizations and architects. The aim of is to bring and sensitize both visitors and design producers to an ever-increasing offer of creativity. The products presented include Omled’s innovative technologies, that’s to say anti-glare Oled with an elegant design, lamps made from umbrellas and recycled materials made by Kamaro’an, a Taiwanese company established in the Eastern market. Also innovative is the project presented by LUMENTILE, born from a research project of the European Commission H2020, whose purpose is to develop a bright and intelligent tile that, inspired by the classic ceramic tile, is enriched with electronics that allows new features. A large area will also be dedicated to exhibiting products from leading design academies, such as NID, Nuovo Instituto di Design, the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and Academie Artemis in Amsterdam.

SpazioDonno in its prestigious location presents the 11th edition of DesignCircus. During DesignCircus design products will be presented alongside with artists exhibiting their contemporary works. The event is completed by a selection of technological objects from the Smart Home world that will show us how to easily communicate the various household appliances and manage the security of the apartment with a few clicks. An App was released in collaboration with pixelBook, and i twill be available from April 15 on the AppStore and Google Play. During the event accompanied children can also try a pedal machine and a balance bike made in 3d printing, for a fun ride in the streets of the Lambrate Design District.

This year another landmark of the Lambrate area has also been reconfirmed: FUORISALMONE. Since only the dead fish swim by following the current, this event shows us a network of professionals and entrepreneurs who swim against the current. Emanuele Pezzotta tells a synergic network that creates connections between the creativity of designers, the excellence of companies, the potential of products and the resources of the markets. On this occasion, FUORISALMONE presents for the fifth consecutive year a concrete project aimed at an audience of professionals. Located in the lofts of Via Massimiano 25, the event aims to offer concrete business opportunities and interaction between professionals and entrepreneurs.

STUDIO CR34 is also present this year with Intro event, which is the first exhibition of furnishing accessories designed by StudioCR34 and produced by two emerging artisan companies. These elements represent not only a style but a design method adapted to two materials, glass and wood. The creations are presented in two areas of the office, adapted to the exhibition environment. Studio CR34, located in via Conte Rosso 34, already boasts many international collaborations with world-renowned architects. The protagonists of the event are Roberto Di Stefano, Alessandro Bongiorni and Ettore Vincentelli.

The artisanal design gains space between the events of the district landing at REDROOM, the metaphoric living room of the handmade side of Lambrate. For the Fuorisalone 2018 the shop focuses itself on self-produced design with natural and alternative materials. The exhibition is created ad hoc in collaboration with the designer of Pig’Oh ideemateriali, which on Friday 20th will transport his laboratory to Lambrate for a day. The nature and the forest will then be the protagonists of a series of live painting: the first one will be created from a live performance with an installation on the facade of the building by the illustrator Martina Dirce Carcano, on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th.

Thursday 19th April at 4.30 pm in the Lambrate Lighting District, D&R – Design & Retail will be held, a meeting on new solutions for Retail, nowadays stirrings and indispensable tools for lighting designers who focus on the customer experience. The new technologies, from the IOT (Internet of Things) to the Li.Fi (Light – WiFi), allow to create more and more emotional designs that, through controlled and interconnected applications, are able to tame and shape the light for the creation of unique atmospheres. Marco Frascarolo – (Lighting Designer – Professor of Architecture Department – Uni Roma Tre – AIDI – Italian Lighting Association) and Walter Lutzu (Lighting Designer – Vice President AILD – Italian Lighting Association) will take part in the meeting.


The district of Lambrate also embraces the art world this year, giving space to two dedicated events of this field.

New entity is the temporary art gallery of KKM group, which hosts the event “The Wunderkammer of Michele Vitaloni” at the Fuorisalone 2018. The event offers an important selection of works by the internationally renowned sculptor, presenting for the occasion its new hyper-realistic creations related to the animal world and a new design line created by the same artist and inspired by naturalistic subjects. This exhibition is a fusion of Art and Design, which become here a single subject linked to the wild world, processing different materials that narrate an exclusive way of living the design world. The paintings by Claudio Verganti and the design by Sergio Linzi will also be presenta t the event.

Silencio will instead be staged at Spazio Lambrate, an artistic performance by Andrea Vescovi and Stefano Baldini curated by Tommaso Vergano. Silencio is a project without a project, art without music, music without art: it is only a show in the purest and simplest state. It wants to send a message to the current show-business society through an audio-visual performance, criticizing the spectacle and the excessive accumulation of stimuli.

The artistic path of the district ends at Din – Design In, where every year during the event a Temporary Shop area is organized Artistar Jewels is an annual project of international contemporary jewels, that this year reconfirms its presence after the undisputed success of the previous edition: it will be possible to buy creative pieces of contemporary jewelery created by designers from all over the world.


The Lambrate Design District focuses its attention this year on the Contract world, thanks to the two events organized by the architect Simone Micheli in the district. Micheli will give life to two exhibitions: Hotel Regeneration (16 – 22 April 2018) at the Officina Ventura 14 and The precious apartment in Puntaldìa (17-22 April 2018) at Simone Micheli studio – gallery.

Hotel Regeneration is the biggest event-agora realized for the Milanese kermesse in the contract field, in collaboration with Tourism Investment, PKF hotelexperts & AboutHotel, which will cover an area of over 4000 square meters, will present to the visitor many different environments dedicated to hospitality. Each section, designed for the occasion by the architect and made up of tailor-made products, will be dedicated to a different hotel chain with the aim of making concrete the mix between the desires and the real satisfaction of the needs of the customers. The visitor can deal with fascinating installations and become an active part of debates of considerable value and high interest during the Hospitality & Design Forum – a dynamic container for conferences, networking, panel discussions, presentations and exhibitions dedicated to developers, hoteliers, hotel groups, companies , architects, interior designers and real estate consultants.

The precious apartment in Puntaldìa under the patronage of ImmobilSarda is an ethical and intelligent project, which tells a new way of imagining architecture aimed at redefining the concept of luxury in accordance with the evolution of the needs of today’s man and the fluidity of contemporary living space; a virtual exhibition that during the Fuorisalone will show the visitor the interior of the apartment designed by Simone Micheli and at the same time a permanent, concrete and active show-room where every guest can touch the excellence of the products made and supplied by the companies. The virtual exhibition, with charm and skill, will guide the visitor inside the new private residence – in the exclusive residential complex of Puntaldìa, one of the most prestigious resorts in the north-west area of Sardinia – with the aim of offering the observer a more concrete than ever tasting of the characteristics and traits that the work will take.

Also linked to the world of bicycles is OFO, the world leader in fixed-bike-sharing bike sharing founded in 2014 and based in Beijing, China. It will be present with a dedicated station inside the Din – Design In shed, as the district of Lambrate will be part of the unmissable stages of the cycling perspectives organized within the city.


The district wants to offer its visitors spaces to interact, an area to exchange ideas and synergies between employees in the sector.

For this reason SHARED HOUSE: CO-DIVIDUAL Architecture has been organized. Conceived as a space off the Triennale di Millano within the exhibition organized by Stefano Mirti entitled “999 questions on contemporary living” in progress from 12 January to 6 April 2018. If the twentieth century celebrated in-dividualism, we believe that the 21st century will be the century of co-dividualism, or the rediscovery of community ties, spaces for being together, places to weave new possibilities to meet. The interest is born to try out a new housing typology: the shared house, that is a house with common spaces conceived as a result of warm and simple, funny and contemporary design reflections where people who will use this house for a short time will have common spaces. In these kind of spaces they will give life to start-ups, where they can cook together, experiment with new ergonomics uses of public space in the private space. In the location of Via Ventura, 3, in addition to experimenting with new practices of being together, it is expected to host debates, meetings, exhibitions of objects and photographs. SHARED HOUSE: CO-DIVIDUAL Architecture is the result of a collaboration between FARM CULTURAL PARK and its founder Andrea Bartoli, LAPS ARCHITECTURE by Salvator-John A. Liotta and Fabienne Louyot, A14HUB, POLITECNICO of MILAN for which the prof. Marco Imperadori.

In April Art & Bike will also be inaugurated at Spazio Industriale, in its suggestive street-level structure, which articulates interiors and exteriors perfectly accessible to people with mobility difficulties. Spazio Industriale hosts for the Fuorisalone 2018 realities that combine design, fashion, cycling passion and eco-technologies for bikes. Zehus SpA will exhibit its innovative design projects applied to the bike. GilcoLab Art & Bike will present a new proposal for ultralight tubes for furniture design, in addition to its display of unique pieces based on an original Gilco design.

Legato al mondo delle biciclette è anche OFO, leader mondiale del bike sharing senza stazioni fisse fondata nel 2014 e con sede a Pechino, in Cina. Sarà presente con una postazione dedicata all’interno del capannone Din – Design In, in quanto il distretto di Lambrate farà parte delle tappe imperdibili del perscorso ciclistico organizzato all’interno della città.


The events will not be over at 8pm when the gates of the hangar will be closed: WEating, located in the inner yard of Din – Design In and Street Food Experience at Giardino Ventura, will take place. It’s a great chance to hang out until late night to deeply live the energy of the district. WEating, located in the inner yard of Din – Design In, presents a selection of Food Trucks in a dedicated space set up as an event in the event. Common denominator between the two entities is the passion for the taste, for the earth and its products but above all the exemplary attention on the appearance, that represents a bridge between these two exhibitions. Lambrate Design District wants to make of these excellences its strength, providing the visitors with an emotional experience, full of cultural entertaining sparks. This will not only support the design event, but it will also complete the whole experience.

“Just StrEat Week” Street Food Experience at Lambrate’s Giardino Ventura is the event based on gourmet Street Food, that evolves around street food to taste via Mobile, music and drinks. With Just Eat the best of italian and international street food can be tasted at Fuorisalone! Between cocktails and music with electrifying DJ sets you can order street food from around the world from 10 different food trucks directly via Just Eat app. Every day at sunset, starting at 7.00 pm, a Dj-Set with Dj and international producers – as well as Stylophonic known for international collaborations and successes as well as sound design projects, will be the soundtrack of Just Streat Week.

The enormous dynamism of these events will contribute to making the heart of the Lambrate Design District a pulsating and engaging one.

Press Contacts


Prodes Italia Press Office

+39 3924797925

In partnership with C Cube Comunicazione al Cubo

Clio Arnoldi
+39 3485257610

In Partnership with Alessandro Rosso Group

Elisa dal Bosco
+39 3496187963

When and Where

Hotel Regeneration
From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
Officina Ventura 14 | via Giovanni Ventura 14 – Milan
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
22nd of April 2018 from 10am to 6pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to Midnight

The Precious Apartment in Puntaldìa
From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
Simone Micheli studio – gallery | Via Ventura 6 – Milano
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
22nd of April 2018 from 10am to 6pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to Midnight

Din – Design In
From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
via Massimiano 6 / via Sbodio 9 – Milan
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
22nd of April 2018 from 10am to 6pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to Midnight

From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
a14 HUB | via Giovanni Ventura 3 – Milano
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
22nd of April 2018 from 10am to 6pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to Midnight


From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
via Massimiano 25 – Milan
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
22nd of April 2018 from 10am to 6pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to Midnight

Design Circus at Spazio Donno

From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
via Conte Rosso 36 – Milan
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
22nd of April 2018 from 10am to 6pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to Midnight

From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
via Massimiano 6 / via Sbodio 9 – Milan
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
22nd of April 2018 from 10am to 6pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to Midnight

Just StrEat Week – Street Food Experience
From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
via Ventura, 12 – Milano – Giardino Ventura
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
22nd of April 2018 from 10am to 6pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to Midnight

Studio CR34
From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
via Conte Rosso 34 – Milano
18 – 20 – 21 – 22 April 2018 from 10am to 6pm

The Wunderkammer of Michele Vitaloni
From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
via Carlo Bertolazzi 20, Milano
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
22nd of April 2018 from 10am to 6pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to 10pm

Silencio @ Spazio Lambrate

From the 18th until the 22nd of April 2018
Viale delle Rimembranze di Lambrate 16
19 Aprile 6.30 pm
20 – 21 Aprile 6.30pm and 10.30pm

GilcoLab Art&Bike
From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
Via Dei Canzi, 14
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to Midnight


From the 17th until the 22nd of April 2018
via Conte Rosso 18
17/21 April 2018 from 10am to 8pm
Special Opening: Wednesday 18th April from 10am to 10pm


Simone Micheli Architectural Hero Press Office



Just StrEat Week – Street Food Experience at Giardino Ventura

Design Circus at Spazio Donno

Studio CR34

Officina Ventura 14

The Wunderkammer of Michele Vitaloni

Spazio Lambrate

Gilco Lab Art&Bike


D&R – Design & Retail

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